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Regulatory hurdles and opportunities: How international investors can conquer the US real estate market

Sometimes the solution is surprisingly straightforward

The U.S. real estate market has seen a tremendous influx of international investments in recent years. From April 2022 to March 2023, international investors acquired U.S. residential properties worth $53.3 billion. Despite the significance of this market, many investors face substantial challenges, particularly due to stringent regulatory requirements.

The regulatory environment and challenges for asset managers

U.S. banks are under significant regulatory pressure, leading to increasingly restrictive lending conditions. These regulations make it difficult for international buyers to secure financing for purchasing U.S. properties. Many of the loan programs offered by U.S. banks to international buyers are intended solely for residential use and do not permit property rental. This presents a considerable issue, as the majority of international buyers purchase properties for investment purposes, such as vacation or long-term rentals.

Challenges for international buyers

International buyers looking to invest in the U.S. real estate market often face a significant challenge: while they want to take advantage of attractive investment opportunities, they must also meet the stringent requirements and restrictions imposed by U.S. banks. This situation frequently results in financially strong and creditworthy buyers being unable to secure financing from U.S. banks, despite the high demand and interest in U.S. properties.

Possible solutions

To address these challenges, flexible and innovative financing solutions for international buyers are required. One approach is to utilize alternative financing options that are less restrictive than traditional bank loans.

Advantages of alternative financing solutions

Alternative financing solutions offer a range of benefits. They often enable a faster and simpler financing process that is less bureaucratic and more flexible.

These solutions are also advantageous for lenders: they can negotiate individual loan parameters, allowing for customized financing. Additionally, such solutions often provide greater security and transparency, as lenders can personally select the properties and scenarios involved.

Expansion of the portfolio for family offices and asset managers

Family offices and wealth managers face the challenge of finding attractive and secure investment opportunities for their clients. By utilizing GLORIUS, these institutional investors can diversify their portfolios and achieve attractive returns as lenders. GLORIUS offers a platform that enables the issuance of loans for the acquisition of U.S. properties, secured by a registered first-rank mortgage. This structure provides an appealing combination of high returns and low risk.

GLORIUS as a partner for international investors

Given the described challenges and the need for flexible financing solutions, GLORIUS offers a tailored solution. We enable international investors to issue loans in the U.S. real estate market, secured by a registered first-rank mortgage. With our extensive experience in the international real estate and finance industries, we provide a simple and expedited financing process that can be customized to meet the specific needs of investors. Our services help investors overcome regulatory hurdles and successfully invest in the U.S. real estate market. By doing so, we open the door to the U.S. market for international buyers and enable lenders to make customized investments.

If you are looking for exclusive real estate investments based on many years of experience, expertise and a global network, GLORIUS is your reliable partner.